7 Steps to Help Nurses Start Investing


Can you imagine a generation of nurses who graduate financially savvy and investment smart? My undergraduate nursing program and my recent graduate nurse practitioner program had ZERO information about personal finance much less investing the money we’d be soon making. We just learned how much student loan we would get with the promise of TONS of good-paying jobs for nurses. Reality is I graduated with too much student debt and no financial advice from my nursing programs.

Financial Independence Update – October 2018

Financial Report 1

We’ve increased our net worth by almost $23k in the past 90 days despite a stock market dip! I’m starting a new rhythm for NurseWorth. Monthly I plan to report to you our progress towards financial independence.

Scary Savings Survey

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Often people end up living this way because they don’t know anything different, and this is how their parents and family have always lived. There are no current surveys that I’m aware of that examine nurses and their money habits. I would guess that nurses save pretty similar to the average American. And that’s SCARY!